Sherri Ann Bennett dba Wellness By Design / Personal Trainer in Lynchburg, Virginia

As a certified personal trainer and a certified health coach, I help people address their total health and wellness needs instead of giving them a cookie cutter service. One of my main areas of expertise is providing sound nutrition information. With over 30 years experience in the fitness industry, I have accumulated a wide variety of skills.


1) BS 2. Small Group Training 2) MS 20 Years Experience 3) Certfied Health Coach 4. Corporate Wellness 4) Certified Personal Trainer 5) Certified Group Fitness ACE Certified Personal Trainer ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist American College Of Sports Medicine Certified Balance Circuit Training CPR/AED Exercise Science B.s Food Preparation Functional Training Group Fitness Group Personal Training Group Resistance Training Healthy Lifestyle Consulting Lifestyle Assessment Nutrition Advice Nutritional And Healthy Lifestyle Coaching Personal Training Strength Training Stretching Weight Loss Wellness Coaching WITS Certification Instructor
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